

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Turing Award Celebration Conference China 2024 (ACM TURC 2024) opened in Changsha on July 6. Zhou Haibing, vice governor of Hunan Province and mayor of Changsha City, addressed the opening ceremony. Also in attendance were Yannis Ioannidis, president of the ACM; Turing Award winner Vinton Cerf, also chairman of the Academic Steering Committee of the ACM TURC 2024; Duan Xianzhong, principal of the Hunan University; Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Mei Hong, He Jifeng, and Zhang Pingwen; Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Gui Weihua, Song Junqiang, Liao Xiangke, Liu Yongjian, and Wang Yaonan; and, Xu Fan, secretary general of the Changsha Municipal People's Government.

7月6日上午,国际计算机学会2024中国图灵大会在长沙举行,副省长、市长周海兵出席开幕式并致辞。国际计算机学会主席雅尼斯·约安尼迪斯(Yannis Ioannidis),2024中国图灵大会学术指导委员会主席、图灵奖获得者温顿·瑟夫(Vinton Cerf),湖南大学校长段献忠,中国科学院院士梅宏、何积丰、张平文,中国工程院院士桂卫华、宋君强、廖湘科、刘永坚、王耀南,市政府秘书长许凡参加。

Founded in 1946, the ACM is the world's largest professional academic organization in the field of computing. So far, the ACM TURC has been successfully held in Shanghai, Chengdu, Hefei, and Wuhan for five sessions, attracting tens of thousands of professionals in the field of computer and artificial intelligence.


The ACM TURC 2024 was themed on "Instrumented · Interconnected · Intelligent · Integrity". Academic experts and professors at home and abroad were invited to give keynote presentations, share their views on cutting-edge technologies and artificial intelligence, and discuss the future of computing science.


This year's conference, which lasted until July 7, delved into the most advanced scientific research technologies in the field of information through a variety of technical exchanges and professional forums, injecting new impetus and vitality into the development of the computer field.


【Author:Kuang Zhenzhen】 【Editor:李苏璇】