

The 5th Forum on China-Africa Local Government Cooperation was held in Guangzhou on July 9. The forum was co-organzied by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and the People's Government of Guangdong Province. Around 350 delegates attended the event, including political leaders, officials and organization heads from China and Africa. Changsha Vice Mayor Gao Wenqi attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech at a sub-forum on green innovation.


高文棋应邀在第五届中非地方政府合作论坛绿色创新分论坛作主题发言。 通讯员供图

In his speech, Gao Wenqi shared Changsha's experience in green, low-carbon, and innovative development, citing real cases in the fields of industrial transformation and upgrading, ecological protection and management, and comprehensive utilization of waste. He also interacted with local government leaders and business representatives from both home and abroad.


Initiated by the CPAFFC, the forum is held every three years, aiming to deepen practical cooperation between local governments in China and Africa. It is an important institutional event under the framework of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. This year's forum was themed on "Working Together for High-level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future". Chinese and African guests exchanged views on industrial cooperation, personnel trainings, green innovation, and other topics.

中非地方政府合作论坛由中国人民对外友好协会发起创办,以深化中非地方政府务实合作为宗旨,每三年举办一届,是中非合作论坛框架下的重要机制性活动。本届论坛以 “为共筑高水平中非命运共同体贡献地方力量” 为主题,中非嘉宾围绕产业合作、人才培养、绿色创新等议题进行交流探讨。

【Author:Huang Ruxi, Kuang Zhenzhen】 【Editor:李苏璇】