

An operation and service standardization pilot project of Yangfan Night Market in Changsha, the first of its kind in China, was launched recently.


The project was identified as one of the national-level service industry standardization pilot projects by the Standardization Administration of China in January this year. Yangfan Night Market thereby has become China's first pilot site for national-level standardization of the night market business.


Yangfan Night Market was established in 2011. It is China's first business entity of nighttime economy with a "Street Stall License" issued by the market supervision authority. Known as the "Changsha CBD (central business district) of snacks", it is the largest internet-famous night market in Hunan Province, a "late-night canteen" for Changsha residents, and a "must-visit" destination for non-local visitors. 


There are about 360 street stalls in Yangfan Night Market, offering snacks, fruit, clothing, and daily commodities. It tallies an average of 40,000 visits daily and 15 million visits annually, with 100,000 visits on peak day.


【Author:Pang Yuehui】 【Editor:李苏璇】