

亲身感受玛雅文明实景,近距离接触苏旺尼鳄龟、亚达伯拉象龟、犀角美洲鬣蜥等异宠……位于天心区长沙君悦酒店的MAYA PALACE(玛雅之城),邀你在长沙体验远在地球另一端的异域文化!

Experience the real-life scenes of Mayan civilization and get up close with exotic pets such as Suwannee alligator snapping turtles, Aldabra giant tortoises and Rhinoceros iguana... MAYA PALACE, located at the Grand Hyatt Changsha in Tianxin district, invites you to experience the exotic culture on the other side of the world in Changsha!


The plants, decorations and other elements in MAYA PALACE have been carefully designed, especially the display environment for animals, which replicates the animals' natural livingenvironments. In the future, the place is expected to launch activities such as animal-themed weddings and education programs, providing integrated services centered around animals that including dining, drinking, learning, traveling, entertainment and shopping.

【Author:Tan Shiyi】 【Editor:谈诗谊】