

In 2017, Rukhiya Baidukenova was 18 years old as she watched Kazakhstan singer, Dimash Kudaibergen performing on Singer, a popular talent show for professional singers produced by Hunan TV.


Better known in China as Dimash, Kudaibergen developed a wide fan base. As a singer herself and a big fan of Chinese TV shows, Baidukenova found herself hoping to take part in Singer one day.


Seven years later, the then 25-year-old fulfilled her wish, appearing on stage at the reality show.


As the first of the international competitors in the latest season of the show, which was first launched in 2017, Baidukenova stood onstage bathed in the glow of anticipation. As a hush fell over the audience, she took a deep breath, and her voice resonated with raw emotion as she began to sing the late American singer-songwriter Eric Carmen's 1975 smash hit, All by Myself, which was also covered by French-Canadian singer Celine Dion.

《歌手》自2017年开播,而本赛季节目首位国际冲榜歌手就是拜杜克诺娃。她站上舞台,随之沐浴在期待的目光中。当喧闹平息,她深吸一口气,开始演唱已故美国创作歌手埃里克·卡门1975年的热门单曲《All by Myself》,声音中饱含着真挚的情感引起观众共鸣。此前,这首曲目也曾被法裔加拿大歌手席琳·迪翁翻唱。

Her vocal range and emotional rendition quickly captivated the audience.


"I was very nervous. I had only three days to prepare for the performance," says Baidukenova, who performs in China under her given name of Rukhiya.


【Author:Chen Nan】 【Editor:李苏璇】