长沙晚报掌上长沙5月10日讯 “五一”期间的“中国车市第一展”,成为2020年全国首个成功开办的展览,这不仅为国内会展业提供了鲜活的案例,更是被作为经典案例在国际展览联盟(UFI)官方杂志、英国知名杂志《展览世界》作为新闻头条刊登。报道全文如下:
Hunan Auto Show drew 62,000, according to organiser’s report
According to the preliminary show report released by the organising committee of the Hunan Auto Show, which took place in the city of Changsha in central China last week, over 62,000 visitors attended the six-day show.
The exhibition, held under strict new health screening conditions, was the first major tradeshow to take place post-Covid-19 in China and attracted 100 auto brands, nearly 600 vehicles and 60,000sqm of stand booths.
The show is traditional a May Day holiday opportunity for large car sales and organisers report 23,910 vehicle orders were made at the show, sales that were calculated to be worth 5.2 billion (US$730m) yuan.
China’s carmaker Geely’s Regional Director, Yang Ping, said this year’s Hunan Auto Show was not only lively at the booth, but also full of potential customers According to Ping’s statistics, on average one in three visitors placed a new car orders, with an overall transaction rate of 38%, the company’s highest ever.
The local authorities had also backed the organisers in helping the show to run in strict conditions of health and safety, with pre-show identity and health checks made online before registration.
The local government offered attractive credit lines and loans and incentives to boost purchases to be made on the show floor. In all, there were 30 million yuan worth of incentives for buyers to apply for.
Zheng Jianxin, Deputy Secretary of Changsha municipal party committee, and Acting Mayor of Hunan Xiangjiang new district party committee, had officially opened the show on 30 April.
Changsha city authorities reported they had held a series of meetings to work out the show guidelines for health security, and had convened a special health commission to oversee the process which was CDC-guided.
据长沙当地权威媒体报道,为了保障车展在做好疫情防控措施的前提下顺利进行,组委会多次召开会议进行专题商讨,专门制作了针对疫情防控的车展手册,并且在疾控中心的指导下组织了专门的疫情防控工作委员会全程车展的负责防疫工作。(肖文娟 编译)
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