全球首个农业领域DCS Lab落成!


7月1日,华智生物与华大智造在长沙举行签约仪式,并正式宣布全球首个农业领域DCS Lab——“华智生物-华大智造DCS Lab认证实验室”落成,双方将携手在生物育种领域打造高通量、低成本、高质量、高行业影响力的关键共性技术平台。

Higentec and MGI Tech held a signing ceremony in Changsha on July 1, and officially announced the completion of the world's first DCS Lab for agriculture - "Higentec - MGI DCS Lab Certificated Laboratory". Both sides will join hands to create a highly influential key technology platform in the field of biological breeding that is high-throughput, low-cost, high-quality and highly influential in the industry.

DCS Lab实验室落成后,华智生物将与华大智造联手以持续的技术革新和技术突破,降低测序成本,推动基因测序在农业领域的广泛应用,助力中国农业分子育种行业蓬勃发展。

After the launch of the lab, Higentec will join forces with and MGI Tech to continuously inovate technology,  reduce sequencing costs, promote the widespread application of gene sequencing in the agricultural field, and promote the development of China's agricultural molecular breeding industry.

【Author:Tan Shiyi】 【Editor:谈诗谊】