

7月11日,德国中小企业总部集聚区(湖南)在湖南湘江新区正式揭牌,开辟对德合作新模式,深化湖南与德国经贸合作。史太白技术转移中心、德国Scanify GmbH公司中国总部、晓枫汽车车路协同研发总部等8个项目现场签约。

On July 11, the headquarters cluster of German small and medium-sized enterprises (Hunan) was officially unveiled in Hunan Xiangjiang New Area, opening up a new model to deepen economic and trade cooperation between Hunan and Germany. Eight projects, including the Steinbeis Technology Transfer Center, Scanify GmbH (China) Headquarters and Xiaofeng Automobile Vehicle-Road Collaboration R&D Headquarters, were signed on the spot.


As of now, there are 28 Gernman-funded enterprises in Changsha. The German SMEs headquarters cluster (Hunan) will focus on SMEs clustering, high-end cooperation fields and complete supporting facilities, strive to create a demonstration zone for Sino-Europe cooperation, and provide a model for the construction of international cooperation parks in the whole city and Hunan province.

【Author:Tan Shiyi】 【Editor:谈诗谊】