来长沙Plaympics“玩得傲运会” 体验巴黎同款紫色跑道


The 33rd Summer Olympic Games opened in Paris, France on July 26. On this occasion, a series of cultural and sports activities will take place at the Changsha International Finance Square (IFS) from July 26 to September 8, including the Plaympics, an illustration exhibition titled "The Parisianer – Le sport dans la ville", and the 2024 International Vertical Marathon Open Changsha IFS Station. The aim is to promote cultural exchanges between China and France, as well as to enhance the Olympic spirit between the two metropolises of Paris and Changsha.


The Plaympics kicked off at the Changsha IFS southwest square on July 26. It was created by British contemporary artist Jon Burgerman in collaboration with the Changsha IFS. The word "Plaympics" is a combination of the word "Play" and the suffix "mpics" of the word "Olympics". 


Inspired by the Paris Olympics, Jon Burgerman combines his own unique graffiti art style with sports to create a sports carnival that integrates contemporary art installations, fun sports scenes, and Changsha's local culture.


Meanwhile, an illustration exhibition titled "The Parisianer – Le sport dans la ville" opened at the L7 Gallery, Changsha IFS, as part of the Croisements Festival special events in Changsha to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic ties. The exhibition was co-organized by the Changsha IFS, the Consulate General of France in Wuhan, and the Institut Français, in collaboration with 44 famous contemporary illustrators from all over the world. The artists integrated sporting events into the everyday life of Paris in a novel, humorous, and imaginative way, paying tribute to the Olympic Games events.

与此同时,“中法文化之春——中法建交60周年特别呈现”项目之《巴黎人——城市中的运动》插画展湖南首展在长沙IFS L7艺术廊开展。该展览由长沙IFS携手法国驻武汉总领事馆、法国对外文化教育局,联动44位来自世界各地的、各具特色的当代知名插画师,用跳脱、有趣、充满想象力的方式,将体育项目与巴黎日常融合,共同向奥运项目致敬。

The 2024 International Vertical Marathon Open Changsha IFS Station will kick off on August 24, reigniting the sporting passion in Changsha and carrying on the Olympic spirit. This will be the fourth International Vertical Marathon held at the Changsha IFS, following those in 2019, 2020, and 2023.


This year's marathon will feature a night run format for the first time in central China. The course has a vertical height of 452 meters, with 95 floors and 2,838 steps. Participating groups include elite teams made up of the world's top 50 professional athletes in terms of the global annual points, public groups of vertical marathon enthusiasts, and special groups.


【Author:Kuang Zhenzhen】 【Editor:谈诗谊】