潮流打卡地+1 “吃喝玩乐”一站式搞定


今年国庆黄金周,长沙将新增一处潮流网红打卡点!位于天心区的COJOY共悦®| 白沙1993项目的基础建设目前基本完成,商家已陆续进场施工。投入运营后,将集餐饮、KTV、足浴、台球、SPA等多种业态于一体,推出市集、咖啡节、啤酒节、新品发布会等多种消费活动,给消费者打造一个全方位潮流新地标。

This National Day Golden Week, Changsha will have a new trendy hotspot! The COJOY Joyful® | BaiSha 1993 project in Tianxin District has completed most of its basic construction, and merchants have started moving in for renovations. Once operational, it will integrate various businesses including restaurants, KTV, foot massages, billiard, and spas. It will host a variety of consumer activities such as fairs, coffee festivals, beer festivals, and product launch events, creating a comprehensive and trendy new landmark for consumers.

【Author:Tan Shiyi】 【Editor:谈诗谊】