在长沙开启“City Walk” 高校学子共赴青春之约


7月17日至21日,2024年全国高校学子长沙行体验周活动举行,来自海内外56所高校的80名学子齐聚长沙开启“City Walk”,深度体验长沙产业发展的活力、城市向上的魅力,共赴一场属于青春的约定。

From July 17 to 21, the 2024 National College StudentsChangsha Experience Week was held, bringing together 80 students from 56 universities at home and abroad to embark on a "City Walk" in Changsha.They deeply experience the vitality of Changsha's industrial development and the charm of the city's upward trend, embarking on a journey of youth together.


Through immersive "enterprise exploration" and simulating "job hunting", these energetic young people gained a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Changsha during their 5-day journey. By reducing the cost for college students to stay in Changsha, expanding employment channels, and improving the convenience of employment services, Changsha becomes more attractive to university graduates.

【Author:Tan Shiyi】 【Editor:谈诗谊】